TEAS Test Vocabulary Hacks: Master the Words & Pass the Exam


Vocabulary is crucial to the TEAS exam in several ways, including reading comprehension. A robust vocabulary helps students understand the meaning and message of a passage. Knowledge of vocabulary also helps in language usage.

Vocabulary helps students understand grammar and usage rules. It allows them to identify errors in punctuation, word choice, or sentence structure. Vocabulary is also resourceful for critical thinking. It allows aspirants to analyze and evaluate information effectively in analysis questions.

Tips and Techniques for Building Vocabulary For The TEAS Test

Every nursing student aspirant must possess strong vocabulary skills for many reasons. This section provides essential tips and techniques for building vocabulary and succeeding in the TEAS test.

  1. Read Regularly—Develop the habit of reading regularly, especially materials such as magazines, online articles, newspapers, fiction, and nonfiction books. Exposure to a wide range of materials will ultimately enhance your vocabulary. As you read these materials, always pay attention to how words and phrases are used in sentences and paragraphs to remember how to use them in the future.
  2. Use context clues to infer word meanings. When encountering unfamiliar words, analyze the surrounding texts to understand their meaning. Look for their antonyms, synonyms, or definitions to comprehend their meaning. You could also look for suffixes or prefixes in the word to understand its meaning.
  3. Use flashcards for vocabulary practice – you could also compile a list of vocabulary words in your TEAS test vocabulary-building endeavor for words that are majorly linked to healthcare. Write down the word, its definition, and how it can be used in a sentence. Remember to review your flashcards regularly for easy retention and understanding.
  4. Incorporate vocabulary exercises into your study routines. You can also consider improving TEAS vocabulary via vocabulary exercises such as practice questions, word games, and puzzles. These techniques will enrich your vocabulary and make learning enjoyable and engaging.
Students reading to build their Teas Vocabulary
Students reading to build their Teas Vocabulary

Methods of Learning New Words

Nursing aspirants can boost their vocabulary skills in different ways. They can implement any of the following methods to enhance their knowledge of vocabulary:

  1. Understand Suffixes, prefixes, and root words – understanding suffixes, prefixes, and root words can help you know an unfamiliar word. Many English words take their roots from Latin and Greek words. Knowing this will enable you to understand some unfamiliar words easily. For example, the root word “derma” stems from a Greek word meaning skin. The word dermatologist refers to a doctor who cares for the skin. This interrelation will allow you to understand other words using the same root word, such as hypodermic, epidermis, and dermatitis.
  2. Learn word associations and mnemonics for memorization—Word associations can also help. When learning a new language, try different techniques, such as mnemonics, reading written language, and listening to examples to remember the new words.
  3. Use apps and online resources—Apps and other online resources can enrich your TEAS test word list. You can look at sites like the British Council Learn English to build your vocabulary and explore different materials, such as podcasts, games, and interactive videos.
  4. Engage in puzzles and word games—these could be fun ways to build TEAS test vocabulary. The games will allow you to discover new words and meanings to add to your TEAS test word list.

Use Vocabulary Practice Resources

Nursing aspirants should look for vocabulary practice resources from different channels to enrich their vocabulary. One good source of vocabulary is the TEAS test word lists. These lists are available on different reliable websites such as Quizlet. They contain words like Abdicate, abash, and abate, which will add meaning to your lists. Another essential vocabulary practice resource is quizzes and practice questions.

Take TEAS English and language usage practice questions and quizzes to assess your vocabulary skills. Consider study guides with explanations of new vocabulary. You could also try interactive online platforms. These platforms offer vocabulary drills and quizzes to help track your progress and recommend improvement.

Aspirants can also improve their vocabulary by regularly reviewing and reinforcing learned words. Implement spaced repetition to review your library or flashcards for better retention. You could also dedicate a few minutes daily to building TEAS test vocabulary by redoing practice questions or reading passages containing unfamiliar words. Consistent practice is one of the powerful TEAS vocabulary tips.

Incorporate Vocabulary Building Into Study Routines

Your TEAS test vocabulary-building hacks should be incorporated into your study routines. Among the strategies to consider to do this include:

1. Set specific vocabulary study goals

Consider setting a specific study goal to ensure you are consistently discovering new words and their meanings. You could start by learning five new words every day or reviewing 10 words daily from previous new words.

2. Dedicate time for TEAS test vocabulary building

You could also deliberately allocate time for vocabulary practice. That could be some 20 or 30 minutes from your daily schedule to look for online resources or books to learn new words and how they can be used in sentences.

3. Integrate vocabulary exercises into TEAS test preparation sessions

The TEAS test covers four major sections. As you revise and prepare for the English and language usage section, take your time to look at exemplary vocabulary exercises. These sessions will help you practice vocabulary skills relevant to the TEAS test.

4. Track your progress and adjust accordingly

Ensure you track your progress as you prepare for the TEAS test. Track all the learned words and save them up in your flashcards. If you have not exhausted new words in a given sector, keep digging and find more during your preparation. You never know what the exam will test for, so having a wide range of new words is advantageous.

Understand the Role of Vocabulary in the TEAS Test

You need to know the vocabulary section breakdown to understand how vocabulary is used in the TEAS test. What are the different areas of the English language on which you are likely to be tested?

1. Vocabulary Section Breakdown

The TEAS English and Language Usage section consists of 33 scored and 4 unscored questions. These include contextual understanding, word knowledge, reading comprehension, and language usage. In the word knowledge section, students can expect to encounter questions asking them to identify antonyms, synonyms, and definitions of specific terms.

It assesses students’ understanding of vocabulary words used in healthcare contexts. The contextual understanding section presents vocabulary words in passages or sentences, and students should determine their meaning in the given context.

In the language usage section, students are examined on grammar, punctuation, and word choice. A broad vocabulary knowledge is crucial for picking the most appropriate words and understanding how to use them in sentences. Another important section is reading comprehension, where students must read and analyze comprehension passages to answer the following questions.

2. Significance of Strong Vocabulary Skills

Your success in the TEAS exam could be determined by several things, including improving TEAS vocabulary. Your TEAS test vocabulary-building skills should be top-notch as you prepare to tackle the exam. Strong vocabulary skills will enable aspirants to ace the TEAS test, especially in critical thinking. Nursing requires critical thinking skills to make clinical decisions, assess patient needs, and solve other issues effectively.

A vocabulary-rich individual will quickly evaluate alternatives, analyze information, and communicate solutions during and after the exam. Another important aspect of vocabulary is the comprehension of medical terminology. As a nursing practitioner, you must learn and understand various medical terms and abbreviations.

A robust vocabulary helps comprehend and retain these terms, which helps understand medical reports, charts, and instructions. Strong vocabulary skills in nursing are also important in terms of documentation. Nurses should document patient care comprehensively and accurately. With excellent vocabulary skills, they can document assessments, observations, and interventions clearly and concisely.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in TEAS Vocabulary Building

Many students make these mistakes when vocabulary building, but you can avoid them. When vocabulary building, avoid:

  1. Relying on memorization alone – as much as memorization is an essential aspect of vocabulary building, it is not recommendable. Instead, consider understanding the meaning of unfamiliar words and how you can use them in context.
  2. Neglecting regular vocabulary practice sessions – successful students in the TEAS test regularly practice their vocabulary skills. It equips you with a ton of knowledge of English and nursing words and how to use them in your exam and career to make your work easier. Make use of online quizzes and flashcards to boost your knowledge.
  3. Overlooking contextual analysis—Most nursing aspirants overlook contextual analysis, which is quite powerful for understanding new words. Assessing the words and phrases surrounding an unfamiliar word will allow you to understand what it means and how to use it accordingly.
  4. Not utilizing available resources—There are various TEAS test vocabulary-building resources. Ensure you use all available resources to enhance your chances of success in the TEAS test. Please do not rely on only one resource, as it may miss other essential parts of vocabulary building. Take as many quizzes as possible and mock exams, learn from reputable sources, and even engage with peers and tutors for extensive coverage.


Passing the TEAS test, especially the English and language section, requires excellent knowledge of English and nursing. Aspiring nurses should look to boost their vocabulary before sitting for the test to have an edge over the exam. Consistency is key, so students must consistently take the sessions, even in vocabulary building.

Revisiting your vocabulary list daily ensures better retention and understanding of key concepts, which is detrimental to your success. Also, remember to avoid the common mistakes most students make of thinking they can memorize and cram for the exam a few days before it is due. Revise consistently to understand unfamiliar words and how to use them in the proper context even after the test.

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