Best Guide to TEAS Test Exam Day Preparation: Tips for Success


This guide equips you with the TEAS test exam day preparation tips to conquer test day. We’ll cover what to bring, where to find your test center, and powerful strategies to boost your score. From mastering the test environment to time management tricks and anxiety-busting tips, you’ll feel confident and prepared when you walk into that testing room.

Essential TEAS Test Exam Day Preparation Tips

1. Test Day Checklist

  • List of items to bring – two sharpened pencils with erasers, government-issued photo ID, ATI assessment ID if online, and your username and password to log in.
  • Clothing recommendations – wear comfortable and acceptable clothing and avoid accessories like sunglasses, hats, or jackets that may raise suspicions
  • Optional items – wrist-watch, water, snacks for breaks, caffeine dose

2. Test Center Information

    • How to locate the test center: You could ask the nursing institution about its location. If ATI proctors the test, you can also find the testing center via the website. The address and map for the testing center will be posted on the platform.
    • Parking information—Check the parking information on the website for the institution where you will take the test. Check for availability and the fees involved in parking your car. You should also find out if there is a time limit for parking at their spot.
    • Check the arrival time at the testing center. Some centers may deny entry a few minutes before the exam starts. Candidates should also check what items are prohibited to bring to the examination center, such as calculators or recording devices.
Best Guide to TEAS Test Exam Day Preparation: Tips for Success
TEAS Test Exam Day Preparation Tips

3. How To Plan Your Test Day

Below is a simple structure on how you can plan out your day:

  • Check-in time and procedure – ensure you arrive at the testing center about 20 minutes earlier. That allows the proctor to verify you and complete the entire check-in process. Arriving earlier also helps you settle in well and remain relaxed.
  • Breakdown of exam sections and duration—The TEAS test covers multiple sections, so it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the exam structure. This includes the types of questions, the number of sections to handle, and the time given for each section. With this knowledge, you will know how to manage your time effectively.
  • Break times and allotted duration – the TEAS exam has designated break times for students to recharge and refresh. Be aware of the break times and how long the break takes as you prepare for the next section.

4. How To Maximize Your Performance

You can try several tips to maximize your performance on the TEAS test. Some of the brilliant TEAS test exam day preparation tips include:

  • Good night’s sleep—For optimal performance, ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the test day. Resting will help your mind relax and thus retain information, keeping you mentally sharp during the exam.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast. A nutritious breakfast gives you the energy you need for concentration and cognitive function. Avoid sugary foods, as these could lower your energy during the test.
  • Relaxation techniques for managing test anxiety—Practicing simple activities such as meditation, breathing, or visualization to calm your nerves. These calming rituals help reduce stress and boost confidence before you sit for the test.

TEAS Test Day Logistics and Environment

Travel Advice

As you look for how to prepare for the TEAS exam, plan efficiently on travel, especially if the testing center is some distance away. Plan your route and add a few hours to the itinerary for potential traffic delays. Also, leave around 20 minutes in the schedule to cater for the check-in process.

Remember to pick a reliable mode of transport that will get you there on time. If you are going to drive to the testing center, ensure you communicate with the center and plan for a parking spot. No students will be allowed in once the proctor reads the instructions, so you must arrive on time and settle in.

Test Environment

Understand how the testing room layout appears. The TEAS test is administered in a designated testing room or computer lab. It contains individual desk setups or workstations for every student. Before you start the exam, the proctor distributes the materials needed and instructions. Every student will receive a scratch paper and two pencils to use. The proctor must also verify the student’s identity before the exams begin.

You should also be aware of the prohibited items in the exam room. These may include calculators, papers, books, cameras, headphones, smartwatches, beverages, food, and cell phones. You risk invalidating your TEAS scores by not adhering to these rules with no refund.

TEAS Test Day Check-in Process

Upon arriving at the testing center, you will go through the check-in process, where you will produce your valid form of identification. It should be a government-issued ID, passport, or driver’s license. The ID should be updated and contain the exact names in the TEAS registration form.

Most testing centers have lockers for students to store personal belongings that are not needed in the exam room. Also, remember that there are prohibited items that you should not bring into the exam room. These may include tablets, phones, smartwatches, or other electronic devices. They should be turned off and securely stored in the locker.

TEAS Test Day Breaktime Recommendations

The TEAS test has breaks in between to take advantage of and refresh. Use these breaks well to re-energize and focus on the next section of the exam. Use the restroom during the break to avoid discomfort during the exam while staying mindful of the time allocated. Breaktime should also be for stretching your body and legs. The stretches relieve tension and increase blood flow, which helps with comfort and enhancing your focus.

You could also use this time to snack and maintain your energy levels. Carry healthy options, like granola, nuts, or fruits, that offer a quick energy boost.

Stay focused during the break and avoid distracting conversations about the paper you just completed, especially with peers. It is already done, and you must focus on the upcoming one. You should also avoid checking your social media, as it may affect your concentration, especially if you encounter something intriguing on social platforms.

Take a few moments in the break to relax your mind using mental relaxation techniques. Take deep breaths and calm your mind to remain focused and reduce stress and anxiety.

Last-Minute Strategies To Use

Review Study Materials

Some advantages of reviewing material on exam day include refreshing your memory, boosting confidence, and reinforcing essential formulas and concepts. However, there are cons, such as leading to confusion due to second-guessing yourself, and it could increase your stress and anxiety levels.

As you focus on a quick last-minute review before the exam, here are brilliant tips to consider:

  • Prioritize key topics – laser focus on critical formulas and main concepts. Use summaries and flashcards.
  • Have a time limit—allocate a specific amount of time for the review, like 30-45 minutes, and stick to it.
  • Use active recall—use available practice questions to test your readiness for the exam. You could also quiz yourself rather than just read.

Test-Taking Strategies

Here are some test-taking strategies for TEAS you can employ:

  • Time management techniques – use the appropriate TEAS exam timing tips, such as breaking down the test into manageable sections. Allocate each section to a given period and stick to the schedule. Pace yourself by knowing how long to spend on each question. If you encounter a challenging question, you can skip it and address it later.
  • Approach every question type differently. For the multiple-choice questions, read all options before picking your answer and eliminate the obvious wrong answers. For essays, jot down your thoughts and look for examples in the essay that support your answers.
  • Handling difficult questions – challenging questions could consume much time during your exam. That is why you need to understand how to handle them. Remain calm when going through the difficult questions to understand fully what is required. You could skip and return to the question after tackling the easy ones. Make educated guesses rather than leaving it blank.


Following these comprehensive TEAS test exam day preparation tips, you’ll walk into the testing center feeling confident and prepared. Remember, a good night’s sleep, a healthy breakfast, and some relaxation techniques can significantly improve your focus and performance. Arrive early, stay organized with your permitted items, and utilize the breaks effectively.

Don’t forget the valuable test-taking strategies you’ve practiced. Manage your time wisely, approach each question type strategically, and don’t be afraid to skip difficult questions and return to them later.

With thorough preparation and a positive attitude, you’re well on your way to achieving a stellar score on the TEAS exam and taking that first step toward your dream nursing career. Best of luck!

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