7 Nursing School Study Tips That Actually Work!


The demanding nature of nursing school requires dedication, passion, and the ability to excel in exams. Studying for nursing tests requires mastering complex medical knowledge, and demonstrating competency is crucial for academic success and building a solid foundation for your nursing career.

However, simply memorizing information isn’t enough. Developing effective study strategies is critical to achieving top marks and retaining what you learn. This article equips you with a powerful toolkit of study strategies specifically designed to dominate your nursing exams:

1. Read Effectively: Conquer Nursing Textbooks and Articles

When studying for nursing tests, actively engage with your nursing textbooks and articles to maximize understanding and retention. Here’s how:

  • Preview and Skim: Before diving in, preview chapter headings and skim critical points to get a general overview of the material. Highlight important information as you read to focus your attention.
  • Annotate for Deeper Understanding: Don’t just passively read. Actively annotate the text with questions, summaries, and your insights. This process clarifies concepts and helps you connect information for better recall.

2. Make Simple Notes: Capture Key Concepts for Easy Review

Explore different techniques to find what works best for you:

  • The Cornell Method: This structured approach offers dedicated sections for recording key concepts, summarizing main ideas, and leaving space for questions and review notes. Utilize this method to organize your learning and prepare for future revisions.

  • Mind Mapping: Nursing information can be complex and interconnected. Mind maps provide a visual way to organize and connect ideas. Use keywords, images, and branches to represent relationships between concepts, making them easier to remember.

  • Concept Mapping: Similar to mind maps, concept maps visually represent relationships between nursing concepts and terms. Use arrows and labels to depict connections, promoting a deeper understanding of the material.

Effective Strategies for Studying for Nursing Tests and Exams
Effective Strategies for Studying for Nursing Tests and Exams

3. Memorize Your Notes: Techniques to Retain Essential Information

Nursing requires remembering key facts, medication names, and procedures. Here are strategies to solidify your knowledge in your long-term memory:

  • Mnemonics: Create memory aids like acronyms or rhymes to remember complex information. For example, the mnemonic “PEMDAS” helps recall the order of operations in math (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, Addition and Subtraction from left to right). Develop your nursing-specific mnemonics to make learning fun and effective.

  • Flashcards: Flashcards are a classic study tool for a reason. Create flashcards with terms, definitions, and critical points on one side and the answer on the other. Regularly quiz yourself using flashcards to test your knowledge and identify areas that need more review.

  • Practice Tests: Regularly take practice tests that mimic the format and content of actual nursing exams. Analyze your mistakes to pinpoint areas for improvement and solidify your understanding of the material. Don’t be afraid to retake practice tests – repetition is key to mastering nursing knowledge.

Having conquered the art of active reading, effective note-taking, and efficient memorization, let’s delve into another crucial aspect of exam success: time management.

4. Manage Your Time Well: Optimize Your Study Schedule

Nursing school requires juggling numerous courses, complex material, and potentially other commitments. Effective time management is essential to ensure you dedicate adequate time to each subject and retain the information effectively when studying for nursing tests. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Craft a Realistic Study Schedule: Develop a personalized study schedule incorporating dedicated study blocks for each nursing course. Allocate time based on the difficulty of the material and upcoming exam deadlines. Here’s a helpful resource on time management for the TEAS test: link to your article on time management strategies for the TEAS test to get you started with creating a study schedule.

  • Prioritize Like a Pro: Identify challenging topics within each course and allocate more study time accordingly. Don’t be afraid to adjust your schedule throughout the semester to ensure you’re focusing on areas requiring extra attention.

  • Embrace Technology: Utilize time management apps or planners to organize your schedule and deadlines. Setting reminders, color-coding tasks by urgency, and blocking out dedicated study sessions can significantly improve your time management skills.

  • Balance is Key: Don’t neglect your well-being in pursuing academic excellence. Schedule time for relaxation, hobbies, and healthy meals to maintain optimal focus and retention. A well-rested and balanced student is a successful student!

5. Use The Following Test-Taking Techniques

: a. Multiple Choice: Multiple-choice questions are a staple of nursing exams. Here’s how to approach them strategically:

  • Process of Elimination: Not all answer choices are created equal. Start by identifying options that are incorrect or contradict information presented in the question stem. Eliminate these choices to increase your odds of selecting the correct answer from the remaining options.

  • Keyword Power: Pay close attention to keywords in the question stem. Look for matching terms or concepts within the answer choices. This can help you narrow your selection and identify the most relevant answer.

  • Beware of Absolutes: Avoid answer choices that are overly broad or contain absolute statements like “always” or “never.” Nursing knowledge is nuanced, and the most accurate answer will likely be phrased flexibly.

b. Short Answer: Short answer questions require concise, accurate responses addressing the prompt directly. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Stay on Topic: Resist the urge to write a mini-essay. Focus on providing clear, relevant information demonstrating your understanding of the tested concept.

  • Accuracy is Key: Ensure your answers are factually correct and avoid including irrelevant details that may take away from your main points.

  • Keywords are Your Friend: Look for keywords within the question to guide your response. Ensure your answer uses appropriate terminology and demonstrates your grasp of nursing concepts.

c. Essay: Essay questions allow you to showcase your analytical skills and in-depth knowledge. Here’s how to craft a winning essay:

  • Thesis Statement Power: Start with a strong thesis statement that clearly outlines the main point you’ll argue in your essay. This provides a roadmap for your response and keeps you focused.

  • Organize for Impact: Structure your essay with a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a firm conclusion. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis statement.

  • Evidence is King: Don’t just state facts – back them up with relevant evidence and examples from your nursing studies. This could include research findings, case studies, or specific course concepts that support your arguments.

By mastering these strategies for different question formats, you’ll approach your nursing exams with confidence and the ability to showcase your knowledge effectively. Remember, practice makes perfect! Utilize practice exams and past questions to hone your test-taking skills and feel comfortable with the format before exam day.

6. Join Study Groups

Studying for nursing tests with a group can be a powerful way to solidify your knowledge and gain different perspectives. Here are some tips for forming and participating in a productive study group:

  • Find Your Tribe: Seek group members with similar learning styles and study goals. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can contribute effectively to the group dynamic.

  • Set Clear Expectations: Establish ground rules for your study sessions. This could include rotating leadership roles, dedicating time to focused review of specific topics, and maintaining a distraction-free environment.

  • Embrace Active Learning: Move beyond passive studying. Utilize active learning techniques within your group, such as group discussions, practice quizzes where you test each other’s knowledge, and collaborative note-taking that combines different perspectives.

Influential study groups can significantly enhance your learning and keep you motivated. Working together creates a supportive environment for knowledge sharing and exam preparation success.

7. Use Mind Maps for Nursing Studies

Nursing information can be intricate and involve complex relationships between concepts. Here’s where mind maps come in:

  • Mind Mapping Explained: Mind maps are visual tools that represent information non-linearly. They start with a central topic in the center of the page and branch out with subtopics and keywords connected by lines. You can incorporate images, colors, and symbols to enhance visual representation.

  • Benefits of Mind Maps: Mind maps offer numerous benefits for nursing students. They help you organize vast amounts of information, identify relationships between concepts, and improve recall by engaging the visual aspect of learning.

Consider using mind maps to review complex physiological systems, break down nursing care plans, or visualize medication administration steps. This visual approach can significantly enhance your understanding and retention of crucial nursing knowledge.

Additional Resources for Success

Beyond your core textbooks and class notes, various resources can supplement your studies and solidify your understanding of nursing concepts. Here are a few to consider:

  • Review Guides: Utilize comprehensive review guides specifically designed for nursing exams. Ensure they are current editions and align with your program’s curriculum. These guides often offer concise summaries of key topics, practice questions, and strategies for different formats.

  • Textbooks are Your Foundation: Don’t underestimate the power of your core nursing textbooks! They serve as a primary reference source and delve deeper into complex topics. To enhance your understanding, utilize chapter summaries, review questions, and additional resources from your textbook publisher.

  • Explore Online Resources: The internet offers many valuable resources, like notes from Nurseslab and NurseJournals, that guide nursing students. Consider other reputable online courses or lectures from esteemed institutions. These resources often provide additional explanations, practice materials, and insights from experienced nursing professionals.

By incorporating a variety of resources alongside your core curriculum, you’ll gain a well-rounded understanding of nursing concepts and feel confident tackling your exams.


Having explored a comprehensive range of study strategies, resources, and techniques, you’re now armed with a powerful toolkit for conquering your nursing exams! Let’s recap the key takeaways:

  • Master Active Learning: Develop compelling reading and note-taking skills to retain complex nursing information. Utilize memory aids like mnemonics and flashcards, and regularly practice with exams that mimic the format and content you’ll encounter.
  • Time Management is Key: Craft a realistic study schedule that prioritizes challenging topics and integrates dedicated study blocks for each course. Utilize time management apps and maintain a healthy balance between studying and personal well-being.
  • Conquer Different Question Formats: Approach multiple-choice questions strategically by eliminating incorrect options and identifying keywords. Provide concise and accurate answers for short answer questions, and structure well-organized essays with strong thesis statements and supporting evidence.
  • Fuel Your Knowledge Base: Supplement your core curriculum with comprehensive review guides, explore online resources from reputable institutions, and leverage the power of your nursing textbooks.
  • Embrace Collaboration: Form influential study groups with compatible peers, set clear expectations, and utilize active learning techniques like group discussions and practice quizzes.
  • Visualize Your Success: Use mind maps to organize complex information, identify relationships between nursing concepts, and enhance recall through visual learning.

Studying for nursing tests, implementing these strategies, and tailoring them to your learning style will help you develop a winning formula for exam success. Remember, consistency and dedication to learning are paramount.

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