TEAS Math Secrets Revealed: 10 Strategies Top Scorers Use


This guide provides you with the roadmap you need on how to study effectively for the TEAS Math Section. We’ll equip you with ten essential strategies that will help you brush up on forgotten math skills, tackle challenging problems with confidence, and ultimately ace your Math exam. Let’s break down the TEAS Math Section step-by-step and show you how to study effectively for the Section. Use the following strategies to pass;

1. Brush Up on the Basics

Feeling rusty on your math skills? Don’t sweat it! The TEAS math section relies heavily on foundational concepts from algebra, arithmetic (fractions, decimals, percentages), and basic geometry. Luckily, many online resources and textbooks offer excellent refreshers. Brushing up on these core concepts will strengthen your foundation and make tackling more complex math problems a breeze.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

Seek out practice tests that mirror the exam’s format and difficulty level. Each practice test is an opportunity to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on areas that need improvement and refine your problem-solving skills. The more practice you get, the more confident you’ll feel on test day.

3. Master Unit Conversions

Familiarize yourself with common unit conversion techniques, such as the back-and-forth method, and memorize key conversion factors. Consistent practice is crucial here. The more you convert units, the more comfortable you’ll become.

4. Befriend Word Problems

Word problems are a prominent feature of the math section, but don’t fear them! Here’s a winning strategy:

  • Understand the Mission: Read the word problem carefully. Identify the key information and what the question is asking for.
  • Formulate a Plan: Set up the correct equation based on the information. This is your battle strategy!
  • Execute and Conquer: Solve the equation and check your answer to ensure it makes sense in the context of the problem.

These steps enable you to tackle even the trickiest word problems.

A photo written How to pass ATI Teas Math: Exact tips to increase your TEAS Score.
How to Pass the TEAS Math Section: Proven Tips to Use

5. Sharpen Your Estimation Skills

Don’t get bogged down in complex calculations for every math question. Learn to estimate answers to save valuable test-taking time. Here’s how:

  • Round Numbers Strategically: Round key numbers in the problem to simplify calculations. Estimate the answer based on these rounded values.
  • Consider Magnitudes: Analyze the answer choices. Are they significantly different from each other? If so, a rough estimate can help eliminate wildly off options.

Remember, estimation is a tool to save time, not to replace exact calculations. Use it strategically for quicker problem-solving.

6. Plug and Chug

This strategy, also known as “guess and check,” can be powerful for specific math problems. Here’s how it works:

  • Identify a Viable Equation: Set the equation based on the problem information.
  • Plug and Chug: Insert each answer choice into the equation and evaluate. The answer choice that yields the correct result is your solution.

This method is beneficial for problems with multiple variables or complex calculations. However, strategic planning is essential—only use “plug and chug” when other methods seem time-consuming.

7. Review Percentages

A strong understanding of percentages is essential for success. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Calculating Percentages: Practice problems that involve finding percentages of a whole, a part of a percentage, or a percentage change.
  • Markups and Markdowns: Master calculating markups (percentage increase) and markdowns (percentage decrease) applied to original prices.
  • Solving for Parts, Wholes, and Rates: Hone your skills in problems involving percentages, parts of a whole, the entire whole itself, and rates (percentages over time).

Consistent practice with various percentage problems will solidify your understanding and boost your confidence on test day.

8. Don’t Fear Negative Answers

The section might include negative answer choices. Don’t be intimidated! Be prepared to handle both positive and negative values in your calculations. Here’s a reminder:

  • Review Question Context: Pay close attention to the wording of the question. Does it ask for a positive value (e.g., total cost) or a negative value (e.g., loss)?
  • Consider All Possibilities: Don’t automatically exclude negative answer choices. Please include them in your calculations and eliminate incorrect options based on the results.

By acknowledging and working with negative values, you’ll expand your problem-solving toolbox and avoid overlooking the correct answer.

9. Learn to Round Strategically

Rounding answers might be required in some math problems. Here’s how to ensure precision:

  • Understand Rounding Rules: Familiarize yourself with rounding rules (up/down, to nearest whole/tenth).
  • Impact on Final Answer: Consider how rounding can affect your final answer. Round strategically to maintain accuracy within acceptable limits.

Remember, rounding is a tool to simplify calculations and present answers in a specific format. Round wisely to avoid significant discrepancies in your final results.

10. Manage Your Time Wisely

Effective time management is crucial for success in this section. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Allocate Time Strategically: Analyze the number of questions and the time allotted before starting. Allocate time for each question based on its perceived difficulty.
  • Prioritize Efficiently: Answer more straightforward questions first to build confidence and momentum. If time allows, revisit more challenging ones later.
  • Don’t Get Stuck: Don’t waste valuable time on a single problem. If you get stuck, move on and return later if time permits. Every point counts!

Following these time-management strategies ensures you attempt as many questions as possible and maximize your score.

How To Use Calculators Effectively

The math section allows you to use a calculator, but it’s typically a basic scientific calculator, not a fancy graphing calculator. Here’s how to leverage it effectively:

  • Calculator Types:

Familiarize yourself with the type of calculator allowed on the exam. In most testing centers, the proctor will provide a basic calculator.

  • Basic Functions:

While the section doesn’t involve complex calculations, ensure you’re comfortable using basic arithmetic functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and exponents (for squaring or cubing numbers).

Some calculators might offer memory functions, which can help store intermediate calculations, but this functionality isn’t crucial for the section.

  • Practice with a Calculator:

Incorporate a calculator to simulate the exam environment during your timed practice sessions. This will help you get comfortable using its functions efficiently and avoid wasting time fumbling with buttons on test day.

Remember, the calculator is a tool to enhance your accuracy and speed, not a crutch. Practice mental math for basic calculations whenever possible.

By following these tips, you can effectively utilize the calculator.

Additional Resources To Enhance Your TEAS Preparation

With a solid understanding of core concepts, effective practice, and time management strategies, you’re well on your way to success. Here are some additional resources to solidify your preparation:

  • Comprehensive Review Guides:

Consider investing in a comprehensive review guide designed for the Math section. These guides offer in-depth explanations of relevant topics, practice problems with step-by-step solutions, and sometimes even practice tests mirroring the actual exam format.

  • Choosing a reputable guide is crucial. Look for guides from trusted publishers and ensure the information is up-to-date and aligns with the current TEAS exam format.

Key Takeaways

This section assesses your readiness for the quantitative demands of healthcare careers. Acing it requires a strong foundation in math fundamentals and strategic test-taking skills.

Here’s a recap of essential strategies to dominate the math section:

  • Brush Up on the Basics: Revisit foundational math concepts like algebra, arithmetic (fractions, decimals, percentages), and basic geometry.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Consistently practice with practice tests to identify weaknesses and refine problem-solving skills.
  • Master Unit Conversions: Conquer challenges involving metric and imperial unit conversions using the back-and-forth method.
  • Befriend Word Problems: Develop a winning strategy to decipher word problems by identifying key information, setting up the correct equation, and checking your answer.
  • Sharpen Your Estimation Skills: Learn to estimate answers to save time on calculations. Round key numbers strategically and consider answer choices to eliminate outliers.
  • Utilize “Plug and Chug” Strategically: This method involves inserting answer choices into the equation to find the correct solution. It’s helpful for problems with multiple variables or complex calculations.
  • Review Percentages: Master calculating percentages, markups/markdowns, and solving for parts, wholes, and rates. Consistent practice strengthens understanding.
  • Don’t Fear Negative Answers: Based on the question’s context, be prepared to handle both positive and negative values in calculations.
  • Learn to Round Strategically: Understand rounding rules and their impact on final answers. Round strategically to maintain accuracy.
  • Manage Your Time Wisely: Allocate time for each question based on difficulty. Answer more straightforward questions first and revisit challenging ones if time permits. Don’t get stuck on any single problem.

Bonus Tip: Utilize Calculators Effectively:

  • Familiarize yourself with the basic scientific calculator allowed on the exam.
  • Use the calculator during timed practice sessions to improve efficiency and avoid wasting time on test day.
  • While the calculator enhances accuracy and speed, practice mental math for basic calculations whenever possible.

Additional Resources:

  • Invest in comprehensive review guides for in-depth explanations, practice problems, and practice tests that mirror the exam format.
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